Raw whois data guide, using of raw whois data
Probably, every who open this page already know - that is "domain whois", so we will describe what we mean under "raw whois data" and properties.
First of all that you need deep understand of scheme how domain's whois data collecting and working, there is some example.
1. | Some user going to site of some "registrar" (example: registrar.com) and what to buy domain "example.com". |
2. | All registrars require that user input data about itself before purchase, so user inputting his first name,last name, email, phone etc. List of obligatory fields can be different for different registrars, so phone number field can be obligatory or optional, some useful fields can be empty. |
3. | User going purchase and registrar adding information to domain zone holder that domain "example.com" is registered and adding information inputed by user to whois database. |
4. | Registrant (user who purchase domain) can edit whois information any time, it will take some time until domain zone holder's whois database will updated too. |
5. | Our service execute request to "COM" whois server at com.whois-servers.net and getting information called "raw whois data" fetched from TLD registrar server. |
6. | Sometimes, additional information can be reached from local registrar's whois server (example: whois.registrar.com), it's "raw whois data" too, but it can have different formated, contains additional data or empty. |
Notice: TLD registrar's data and local registrar's data based on same user's data, but it can contains additional information, so we outputting local registrar's whois record after flag "===ADDITIONAL_WHOIS_DATA_FOUND===". That is why raw whois data can consist of two different whois records - TLD registrar's data and local registrar's data. If this tag not exists - there is no local registrar's data, it consist of only TLD registrar's data.
Notice: The best way to understand how it working - try different domains and modes on online whois lookup demo, it's free tool.
Examples of raw whois data downloaded through our Whois API.
Records for domains amd.com and intel.com - we outputting both whois records (TLD registrar's data and local registrar's data), local registrar's data contains after tag "===ADDITIONAL_WHOIS_DATA_FOUND===" .
Whois data for opencourt.us and eonline.ca including only TLD registrar's record, so it is in use here.
Example of raw whois data for "google.com" domain
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List of supported domain zones (121 TLD)
aero, ac.uk, af, ag, am, asia, at, au, be, best, bg, bi, biz, br.com, br, bz, cat, ca, cc, cd, ci, cf, co, club, ck, cn.com, cn, com, coop, co.il, co.za, cx, cz, de.com, de, dk, edu, ee, eu.com, eu, fi, fr, ga, gb.com, gb.net, gl, gy, hk, hn, hu.com, hu, ie, io, info, in, ir, is, it, je, jobs, jpn.com, jp, ke, kr.com, kr, kz, la, li, lt, lu, lv, md, me, mobi, ml, mx, my, com.my, net.my, org.my, name, net.au, net, nl, no, no.com, nu, online, org, org.il, org.ua, ovh, pl, pro, pt, pw, qc.com, re, ro, ru.com, ru, sa.com, sc, se.com, se.net, se, services, sg, si, site, sk, space, st, su, tel, th, tk, top, tl, travel, tv, tw, ua, uk.com, uk.net, us.com, us.org, us, uy.com, uz, vc, ve, website, ws, xyz, za.com
Notice: feel free to contact us if you need to use domain zone that not present in current list, we do not include some domain zones because we thinking that it will be useless.