Prices and discounts for online WHOIS checker and parser service
Initial price
There are two types of data that our online whois service providing - raw whois data and parsed whois data. Raw whois data cost 35% less than parsed whois data, so if you already have parsed or you do not need to parse whois record - it will be good solution for you. Initial price - it's price for customer who check less than 2,000 domains in our service, for example all new customers using initial price. Initial price for parsed whois is 2.50 USD per 1,000 domains (1.63 USD for raw whois data), it means that checking of one url address cost 0.0025 USD. Price per 1,000 domains called "price rate" or "rate", initially it's 2.50 USD for parsed whois and 1.63 USD for raw data. Example: new customer (0 domains checked before) want to get parsed data for 1500 domains, it will cost (1500 urls * 2.50 USD)/1000 = 3.75 USD Notice: checking rate for all our whois services are the same, and you pay only for correct result. |
Our discounts based on domain number that was checked through customers account before.![]() Example1: customer already check 2,001 domains, want to get parsed whois for 1,500 domains (1,500 domains * 2.1 USD)/1000 = 3.15 USD Example2: customer already check 100,001 domains, want to get parsed whois for 1,500 domains (1,500 domains * 1.0 USD)/1000 = 1.00 USD Example3: customer already check 2,001 domains, want to get raw whois for 1,500 domain (1,500 domains * 1.37 USD)/1000 = 2.06 USD Discount rate can not back to initial rate after some time was passed, future price can not be higher that was before. |
Custom discounts
If you can't wait until discount will be set automatically after number of checked domains and you going to check more than 6000 domains, and discount is very critical - you can try to contact us about custom discount. |
![]() | Click for Access Whois in two easy steps! | ![]() |
It's the cheapest offer for hosted whois service |